Creating Baseline
The aim of this activity is to review existing policies related to AI and algorithms in education and employment. This review will provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of policy development and institutional understanding related to the use of AI and algorithms in these fields.
This activity aims to survey 100 youth workers to determine their current knowledge and understanding of AI and algorithms. The survey will be designed to assess the level of understanding and skills of youth workers in relation to AI and algorithms, and it will help identify any existing gaps in knowledge or skills.
The aim of this activity is to produce a report that summarizes the findings of the desk research and the research with 100 youth workers. The report will provide an overview of the current level of understanding and skills of youth workers in relation to AI and algorithms, as well as a list of capacities that should be included in curricula to improve their understanding and skills. Additionally, the report will provide recommendations for strategies and approaches to improve the level of understanding and skills of youth workers in relation to AI and algorithms in their work on the education and employment of young people.
Building Capacities
Two diferent curricula development:
1. To support youth in understanding the use of AI in education.
2. To support young people in understanding the use of AI in employment.
The curricula will be designed to address the needs of Youth Workers in relation to AI and algorithms and equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge.
This activity involves pilot training for a group of 10 youth workers.
We will conduct 3 training sessions, with 3 partner members each involving 10 youth workers. Participants will be selected among those who participated in the research conducted in WP2.
E-learning modules will be developed to increase accessibility and reach a wider audience. This will provide flexible and convenient access to the curriculum for youth workers who may not be able to attend in-person trainings.
Policy Development
The main objective of this activity is to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss policy gaps identified through research. By involving a range of stakeholders, including young people, educators, and policymakers, this activity will help to achieve the objective of involving stakeholders in discussions about existing policies linked to AI and young people, identifying gaps, and ensuring that these gaps are turned into policy recommendations.
The objective of this activity is to develop specific policy recommendations to address the gaps identified in the previous activity. By developing these recommendations, the project will achieve the objective of ensuring that gaps linking youth and AI are identified and turned into policy recommendations to address those gaps.
The Consortium will prepare a presentation page to ensure that everyone can easily access our policy recommendations. To make it understandable for the target audience, we will create short animated videos explaining why this is important and what will change if we implement these recommendations.