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Our AI4Youth research report is now available!

We are pleased to announce that the AI4Youth research has been completed and is now available for consultation. This report is the result of extensive research analyzing how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming education and employment for young people.

What will you find in the report?

  • Policy and strategy review: A detailed analysis of European policies related to AI in education and employment.
  • Survey of youth workers: We uncovered the level of knowledge and understanding of AI among more than 100 professionals from 33 countries.
  • Recommendations: Key strategies to improve AI competences in the youth sector and proposals for future policies.

Outstanding results:

  • The majority of youth workers have an intermediate knowledge of AI, revealing the need for more specialized training.
  • Tools such as ChatGPT and Duolingo are widely used in educational settings to support young people.
  • 93% of respondents support the creation of an AI-focused community for youth work.

This report is an important step towards the integration of AI in the professional and educational development of young people in Europe. We invite you to download it and find out the details!

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